🗓️ Fredager kl 12:15
📍 Universitetet i Oslo

Join our fun (and nerdy) weekly conversations at Frederikke Spiseri!

Previous topics include effective altruism (obviously), philosophy, economics, maths, physics, etc. - we're a super curious bunch and we can't wait to learn about the rabbit holes you've been down lately:) If you can't find us call 94448954.
🗓️ Onsdag 19. februar
📍 Bergen

Hvilke muligheter har vi for å gjøre verden til et bedre sted?
Hvordan kan vi velge mellom dem?

I denne workshopen skal vi ta kritisk stilling til spørsmålet om hva som er vår tids største utfordringer, og mulighetene vi har til å hjelpe flest mulig.

Kom og lær hvordan effektiv altruisme og rammeverk slik som ITN (Importance, Neglectedness and Tractability) kan hjelpe deg med å gjøre en større forskjell
🗓️ Onsdag 26. februar
📍 Ulrike Pihls hus, Bergen

Denne våren arrangeres EAGx Nordics for første gang i Norge!
I den forbindelse reiser vi til Oslo 25.-27. april.

Vi samles på Ulrike Pihls hus for å fylle ut søknaden og svare på spørsmål fra deg som lurer på noe om konferansen

🗓️ Onsdag 12. mars
📍 Det Akademiske Kvarter, Bergen

Ready to guess some absolutely ridiculous numbers? We're diving into the weird world of Fermi estimation, breaking down crazy questions like how many pizzas NYC eats per hour or how many rubber ducks would fill the Grand Canyon

Working in teams, everyone's going to work together trying to figure out these wild scenarios.
Zero math skills needed! Everyone is welcome. The whole point is getting kinda close while having fun being totally wrong. Come hang and estimate some bizarre stuff with us!
🗓️ Helgen 25.–27. april
📍Rebel, Oslo

Join us for EAGxNordics 2025, a conference designed to challenge and expand how you approach creating positive change in the world—no matter your current level of skills or involvement.
Whether you're an experienced EA or attending for the first time, you'll find content and connections to help you develop new ideas, deepen your skills, expand your network, or explore new roles. We bridge experience levels by offering:
- Advanced content and community building for experienced EAs
- Entry points and inspiration for new EAs
- Collaborative spaces that push everyone's thinking forward
s this for me?
If you live in or are connected to the Nordics or Baltics, have at least a basic understanding of effective altruism, and want to explore more effective ways to make a difference, then yes!